One of the best ways to get a condom that’s right for you and your partner is to try sampler packs. Here’s the most extensive list of condom sampler packs on the planet. Find a brand or two that work well for both of you, and stock up.
Keep in mind that Women Don’t Like the Way Condoms Feel Any More Than Men Do, so be sure your partner is part of the selection process if you have a female partner.
Condoms that are made from thinner material are as effective for disease prevention as condoms made from thicker material. An advantage of thinner condoms is you can get more sensation and more heat transfer from your partner’s body. An advantage of thicker condoms is they can help you last a bit longer if you struggle with coming too soon.
If you or your partner is uncut, here’s an excellent video made by the Burnett Foundation on how to put on a condom for men who are not circumcised. The part that shows a dude with an uncut penis putting on a condom starts at almost a minute in.
Here’s a Cosmo article “15 Best Organic Condoms of 2024” that has links for “organic condoms.”
Basic Condom Sampler Packs
Condomania Mystery Condom Pack
Snugger-Fitting Condom Samplers
Cautionwear: makes the best-selling snugger-fitting condoms.
Larger-Fitting Condom Samplers for Our Brothers Who Are Well Hung
Super Mix Samplers
Headroom-Uniquely Shaped-Innovative Condoms
Non-Latex Condoms
Ribbed, Studded and Textured Condom Samplers
Flavored Condoms
More flavored condoms from
Colored Condoms
Thicker Material Condom Sampler Packs
Female Condoms
CDC Info Sheet on Female Condoms
Organic, Vegan and Natural Condoms
Links are in a Cosmo article titled “15 Best Organic Condoms of 2024”.
Condom Company Websites
LINKS WARNING and DISCLAIMER: I receive no compensation from these sites for listing their sampler packs. Use these links at your own risk. I make no promises or warrantees about them. Content on websites is changing constantly. This is beyond my control. Also, some of the links and resources might not be right for you. If you are not able to judge what is healthy for you and what makes good sense for you, please don’t use any of the links on this website.
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