The fallopian tubes are an important part of the female reproductive system. They are hollow, muscular channels that allow an egg to be transported from the ovary to the uterus. They are approximately 10 to 14 cm long (4 to 5.5 inches). Externally, they are approximately 1 cm in diameter. They are attached to left and right sides of the uterus. They are J-shaped and end in an area that is close to each ovary, but they are not attached to the ovaries. Instead, their opening is shaped like a trumpet, which is why they were originally called “salpinx” which means trumpet in Greek. They have finger-like tendrils around their trumpet-shaped opening that catch an egg when it is released from an ovary. The egg is then moved through the fallopian tubes and into the uterus by peristaltic contractions, by wavelike movements of tiny cilia that line the inside of the fallopian tubes, and by fluids that the fallpian tubes secrete. If unprotected intercourse has taken place, sperm swim through the uterus into the fallopian tubes where they meet the egg in a part of the fallopian tubes called the ampula. The fallopian tubes help nourish eggs on their journey into the uterus. Cultural myth has it that ovulation alternates each month between the ovary and fallopian tube on the right and left. But the side ovulation occurs on is more random than not, and it seems the ovary and fallopian tube on the right do more of the heavy lifting. Almost a third of cases of infertility are caused by issues in the fallopian tubes, including damage from sexually transmitted infections. A method of permanent birth control is called tubal ligation where the fallopian tubes are tied off, which prevents eggs from being fertilized and reaching the uterus. The fallopian tubes were named in the 16th century after the Italian Catholic priest and anatomist Gabriele Falloppio who also invented the precursor to the condom.