Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by N. gonorrhoeae, which is a gram-negative, nonmotile, biscuit-shaped diplococcus. Gonorrhea infects approximately 60 million people across the globe each year, with approximately 300,000 cases occurring in the United States annually. Gonorrhea is an old timer among sexually transmitted infections. How old? Gonorrhea was named by Galen in the second century. It referred to the “flow of semen,” given that it can cause a discharge from the urethra. It can also infect any number of surfaces in the body that contain mucosa in addition to the urethra. These can include the cervix, throat, the eyes, and rectum. It may cause itching, a burning sensation during urination and an unusual discharge. While most forms of it are treated with antibiotics, it can do serious damage if not treated. It is also easily mistaken for chlamydia, and can exist at the same time as chlamydia. Anyone who has gonorrhea should also be tested for other sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.