A condition that causes a curving or bending deformity of the penis. Peyronie’s Disease results from plaques forming on the tunica albuginea which covers the corpus cavernosa (the two cylinders that expand to create an erection) of the penis. This creates scar tissue that prevents that side of the penis from fully lenthening during erection. This results in an unnatural curvature during erection. (Think of what happens if you put a piece of tape on one side of a long balloon, and then blow it up.) Most men who have Peyronie’s Disease are between 45 and 65 years of age, with the average onset occurring at 53 years. Peyronie’s Disease can range from mild to so severe that intercourse becomes impossible. The plaques can also obstruct blood flow in the corpora cavernosa, which can result in pain during erection and erection failure. A diagnosis of Peyronie’s Disease is usually made on the basis of pain, penile curvature, palpable plaques, and ultrasound, although an MRI may be needed to identify plaques at the base of the penis. The causes are not fully understood. Treatment options and success often depend on the stage and severity of Peyronie’s Disease. While there is spontaneous repair in some cases, these are in the minority. Men with serious cases are often clinically depressed, “feeling like a freak.”