If porn and videogaming were to have a child, it would be a porn game. There are now literally hundreds if not a thousand or more porn games. While some developers have flooded Patreon for funds, some of the most powerful porn sites have created their own porn games, which is why you should take to heart the following warning by PornDude from his BestPornGames website: “I’m pretty sure that you have seen all these advertisements of ‘porn games’ being displayed on popular porn sites that promise to make you cum within 30 seconds. All they require is to verify your age by entering your credit card details, and then you can play them for free, right? Wrong!!! After a couple of days, these lying assholes will charge your credit card for $100+, and since you don’t dare explain to your wife what happened, you take it like a cuck!” (His warning can apply to any porn site that asks for your credit card information.)